Say Cheez!

Say Cheez! is a personal lifestyle blog written by a female therapist (that's me…..Brenda) living in rural Eastern Montana. This blog is all about blooming where you are planted and pursuing what makes you happy. For me, happiness includes travel, adventure, food and attempting to navigate mid-life challenges with humor and grace. Whether you are a return visitor to the blog or visiting for the first time, welcome home. I've been waiting for you!

  • The Big Lie of Fixing What was Never Broken

    The Big Lie of Fixing What was Never Broken

    Shortly after the revelation that growing up to be big and strong only applied to boys, the physical education department began annual or bi-annual weigh-ins and physical fitness testing. How in the hell was I supposed to do a pull-up when I had been shoveling in mashed potatoes so that I could grow up to…

  • Maybe Time is the Great Healer?

    Maybe Time is the Great Healer?

    We hugged goodbye, said “I’ll see you in ten years” and my heart was full. I walked back to my hotel full of coconut oolong tea, memories, and gratitude.

  • The “Joys” of Sweat Equity Projects Exposed

    The “Joys” of Sweat Equity Projects Exposed

    I then remembered we were in many of the messes we have been in over the past thirty-four years because of the life choices we made (some of which were mutual) and my gratitude turned to rage, and I continued scraping wallpaper and doing my best to avoid third degree burns.

  • Time is the Most Precious and Limited Resource We Have

    Time is the Most Precious and Limited Resource We Have

    We took pictures and as I stood there holding my cake and smiling, I had a moment of clarity and I remember thinking, “these are the two people who have been with me and wished me a happy birthday for the past 50 years”. I knew at that moment that there was change in the…

  • Labor Day: An Annual Reset that I Love

    Labor Day: An Annual Reset that I Love

    My Labor Days today look different than they did growing up. Frankly, I am thrilled not to have to go to work on Monday and I no longer spend this weekend gathering firewood. My mom explained to me years ago that canning was stupid when you could buy canned vegetables for $ .75 a can,…

  • The Magic Dims: Heat, Feet and Fights in the Streets

    The Magic Dims: Heat, Feet and Fights in the Streets

    I understand that the 15-minute walk through security is extra grueling at 10:00 a.m. but why would you prop your bare feet on a chair or table that someone else must eventually use? The best question is what is wrong with your feet that you even need to air them out in an airport? Gross…

This is how it all started…

Say Cheez! is a personal lifestyle blog written by a female therapist (that’s me…..Brenda) living in rural Eastern Montana. This blog is all about blooming where you are planted and pursuing what makes you happy. For me, happiness includes travel, adventure, food and attempting to navigate mid-life challenges with humor and grace. Whether you are a return visitor to the blog or visiting for the first time, welcome home. I’ve been waiting for you!

Say Cheez!
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