My Love of the County Fair: Pies, Pigs, and Prizes
I remember being so nervous herding Floyd into the sale pen and having the crowd bid on him. The sale of animals took place on the Saturday morning of the fair and the kids selling animals dressed in clean white shirts to look presentable and professional as they herded their animals around and people bid.
Memories from a Gen X Childhood: Resilience, Independence, and Refreshing Hits off the Garden Hose
Life got interesting the summer I was 12 years old. Mom had arranged for a teenage girl to come into the house during the summer and babysit my brother (who was 9 at the time) and me. The girl, like any typical 16-year-old, was extremely interested in talking on the landline phone with her friends,…
A New Era Begins With a Dumpster and Hope
I am also curious to know how we go about the tasks of daily living with the house torn up. I have a credit card and would not be opposed to leaving town during the entirety of this process. I like eating with paper plates and plastic utensils so that will not be an issue,…
How to Keep Your Mind Active and Emotions High
I subsequently locked myself out of my Google account, both on the computer and on my phone. I had to involve IT to issue me a new Google email password since Google will lock you out of your account after one thousand failed attempts with your new sneaky password.
Celebrating 34 Years of Mutual Love and Growth
Having a newborn was like buying a puppy because it took less than ten minutes of us being alone with him to wonder, “what the hell have we done” and “are we qualified” to be parents. Well, what we did was obvious, and the answer to the second thought was NO! We were not qualified,…
Seize the Day and Love the Moment You Are Experiencing
If mom received a new Yankee Candle as a gift, she would have the candle lit in less than 10 minutes. It made no difference if the candle was a Christmas candle that she received for her birthday on November 4. The pine candle was set ablaze. If she received chocolates or a food gift,…